I was an enemy of the Lord.  I’m not sure I saw it that way but surely He did. After abuse, neglect, and betrayal by those who were supposed to have had the greatest interest in my safety and protection, I learned to take care of myself.  The thing is you cannot be lord of your own life and servant to the Lord at the same time.  You will never be able to serve two masters.

Meeting Jesus didn’t change my life.  It radically transformed me and now I live to serve Him.

In 2015, the Lord made a way for my first of two Mission Trips to Pignon, Haiti.  At the same time, He asked me to begin an outreach ministry to women and families in crisis in Southern Minnesota.  For nine years, I’ve been reaching out to the lost, the broken-hearted, the hurting and the needy. I’ve even had the amazing opportunity to baptize others into the family of believers. And in May of 2023, I got to go to share the gospel with the people in Israel, an experience that forever changed how I see the geography of the bible. But just last month, the Lord revealed a missing puzzle piece that completely knocked my world off its axis.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 18:19-20

How can you miss something so significant,  that has been right in front of you all along?

Make disciples.

I hadn’t missed the mark completely.  I was going.  I was sharing. I was telling about the hope of a future knowing the One who can change everything in your life.  And I will continue to do that.  But my focus WILL BE FOREVER CHANGED

Disciples make disciples, who make disciples, who make disciples.

He’s sending me to the nations to multiply.  He’s invited me to do the Great Commision.  And I cannot do it alone.

Will you help send me?